Centrldesk documentation

Convert a date to an ISO date text using Date To ISO 8601 block
Convert a date to an ISO date text
Convert an ISO date text to a date using Date From ISO 8601 block
Convert an ISO date text to a date
Convert a date to a timestamp using Date To Millisecond Timestamp block
Convert a date to a timestamp
Convert a timestamp to a date using Date From Millisecond Timestamp block
Convert a timestamp to a date
Check date using Date A is before or the same as B block
Check date using Date A is before or the same as B
Check date using Date A is after or the same as B block
Check date using Date A is after or the same as B
Check date using Date A is not the same as B block
Check date using Date A is not the same as B
Check order using A is alphabetically before or the same as B block
Check order using A is alphabetically before or the same as B
Check order using A is alphabetically before B block
Check order using A is alphabetically before B
Check order using A is alphabetically after or the same as B block
Check order using A is alphabetically after or the same as B
Check order using A is alphabetically after B block
Check order using A is alphabetically after B
Check if a value is less than or equals another using A≤B block
Check if a value is less than or equals another
Check if a value is greater than or equals another using A≥B block
Check if a value is greater than or equals another
Check if a value is greater than another using A > B block
Check if a value is greater than another
Create a row of database table using Create Row block
Create a row of database table in Centrldesk
Split row of database table using Split Row block
Split row of database table in Centrldesk
Convert a text to uppercase using Text To Upper Case block
Convert a text to uppercase in Centrldesk
Convert a text to lowercase using Text To Lower Case block
Convert a text to lowercase in Centrldesk
First match of a text against a regular expression using First Text Match block
First match of a text against a regular expression in Centrldesk
Match a text against a regular expression using Text Matches block
Match a text against a regular expression in Centrldesk
Contains a text another text using Text Contains block
Contains a text another text in Centrldesk
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